Monday 20 January 2014

My Puppy Love Continues

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I identified her Soul that she’s the one & fell in love the first time I saw her. The beautiful woman who was previously my wife was again in my fate! Sona kissed me and took me to her home. I wanted to tell her how delighted I was to meet her in this birth too… 

Bow! Wow! BOW!! WOW!!!

I could only excitedly bark as I have been reborn as a dog! 

Living-beings have millions of births & deaths; human-beings may be reborn as dogs or even as Fly (Makkhi)…
Eega Hindi Version Makhi First Look Posters

My love is true. My soul will follow my love wherever she goes…
 I follow wherever...
Found that she’s ‘happily married’ to Jeevan. But, I found no life in their marriage. 

I hated Jeevan, more so when I discovered that he’s two-timing my Sona. When Sona was out for work for a couple of days, Jeevan got cozy with his current-love- Misa. 

Why can’t humans be loyal just like we dogs…?  A b***** is far more loyal & better than her human-counterpart like Misa...

When Sona returned, I tried warning her that Jeevan & Misa are terrorists. Sona didn’t understand my barks...

However, Sona discovered many startling facts about Jeevan & Misa through emails & messages. She tried to report it to the Police…

The next day I woke up feeling giddy. Some spray was heavy in the air. 

Sona’s lifeless body lay with unnatural marks in her own home. I was shocked that her own husband- Jeevan, whose name means 'life' had gifted her death... 

I started wildly stating the facts. They heard my loud urgent barking as I vented out my anger… 

I pounced upon that cunning Jeevan. They shot me dead…

My soul again wonders carefree seeking my love in Earth/Sky.
When I meet her, I’ll know the real-story what happened & why…

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

This Post won this WOW Badge.
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  1. Aww,,,I wish I had a pet like that.

    1. Yes, Wish we all had loyal partners & true love would last...

  2. An excellent work of creative writing and quite an engaging tale. Loved it completely.

  3. Replies
    1. Even sad endings end with positive note... of future meetings as true love never ends :)

  4. Replies
    1. Welcome to my Blog, Ashwin :) Thanks for reading & sharing :)

  5. Wow a lovely post, Anita! Truly portrayed about this fake world!

    1. Thanks Preeti.Yes, Animal-friends are more true than supposedly sacred relations...

  6. The pinch of Bollywood is never missing even if its a picture ;)

    anyways loved the post especially the lines in bold. :)

    1. Anmol, I am intrigued by the concept of rebirth. Many Bollywood movies including the movie Makkhi (where the Hero is reborn as a fly & yet manages to take revenge) have dealt with it... & as you know, I love Bollywood :)
      Thank you so much for your appreciation :)

  7. Gr8 post! Seems lik a creative extrapolation of Sunanda death. I love the post and actually concur when U say- why can't humans be loyal like dogs. Also last 2 lines r brilliant. Wow for sure.

    1. Yes indeed Amrita. You have read my mind :)
      Sunanda Pushkar death is unfortunate and it has set me thinking. I just put a few of my thoughts here... More to follow soon.
      Dogs are very loyal. Some humans are too. But, wish their tribe grew...

  8. Wonderful post, depiction of the two facets - loyalty and betrayal at it's best.

    1. Thanks Arti. I like Happy Endings. But, the current situation & news headlines have made me pretty depressed. Thus, expressed this tale...

  9. Nice post! loved the humor! I didn't see that movie yet, would love to give it a watch :)
    Although, the name of our gang in college was "Makhi" gang, this gave me nostalgia :)

    1. Thanks Bhavya. Do watch Makkhi.
      Proves that we can't get away with murder. Also, not to under-estimate the power of a small common-fly! :)
      'Makhi Gang' sounds interesting like the 'Gulab Gang'! Now that's another promising must-watch movie :)

  10. :) Nice one Anita. I like how you weave your thoughts.

  11. Now that was deep & damn creative . :D
    Do you have a thinking cap of some sorts?
    Always love reading your Unique posts Anita! :) :) (y)

    P.S. - And Makkhi is a great movie. Specially the awesome visual effects. Simply Top-Notch just like your posts! ;)

    1. Nikhil, Your kind words mean a lot to me. Thank you so much! :)
      Yes, Makkhi has awesome visual effects.
      Such encouragement, appreciation & Top-Notch comments are the fuel that powers my train of thoughts & Posts ;)

  12. AH one more reason to want a dog!!!
    This was beautiful.

    1. Thanks a lot Red. Dog might have a past life's connection :)
      Delighted that you liked it :)


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